Everyone was very nice, had an array of responsibilities, learned a lot about global issues. Made close friendships with other interns
What I wish was different
Some days I had very little to do, and some days I had a lot at once- it could have been spread out differently
Attend all the BBL (brown bag lunches) because they are extremely interesting and you learn a lot about global issues
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Program Intern
May - August 2018 • New York City, NY
What I liked
The company culture, the office space, the location, the mission, and the achievements of the organization
What I wish was different
I wish there had been more balance between administrative and programmatic/topic-specific work. I spent a lot of time of data-entry, but they were up front about that from the beginning.
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Major Gifts Prospect Research Intern
September - December 2017 • New York City, NY
What I liked
I liked that I worked for a large global NGO, and everyone in the office was very friendly. It was a great environment.